Using PowerPoint with File sharing

When trying to share a PowerPoint file, clicking on Share Now results in an error. Cause This occurs when the user does not have PowerPoint installed on the computer they are using. Workarounds There are three workarounds for this: 1) Use Mozilla Firefox This affects Chromium browsers, including Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Mozilla Firefox Continue Reading…
WARNING – this method will not show PowerPoint animation or transition


Prepare your presentation in advance
    1. None Inside your Collaborate session, click the purple arrows to open the Collaborate Panel.
    2. NoneGo to the Share content panel and select Share Files.
    3. NoneClick on Add Files and use the File browser to navigate to your presentation.
    4. NoneSelect your presentation and click Open. Collaborate will upload your PowerPoint file into the meeting.

Share your PowerPoint with the main room
    1. NoneReturn to the Share Files panel and you will see your presentation in the Files list.
    2. NoneSelect your presentation and click Share now.
    3. NoneYour view will change to a thumbnail of all the slides in the presentation. Your attendees cannot see your slides at this point.
    4. NoneClick on the first slide and this slide will appear on the screen of all your attendees.
    5. To advance the presentation, click on the next slide and the attendee’s view will update.
    6. Collaborate displays your slides as an image and any animation or transition effects are removed. If you have transitions or animation on your slide Collaborate will display the slide in its final version.
    7. NoneTo end the slide show click the Stop sharing icon.

Share your PowerPoint with the breakout groups
  1. Return to the Share Files panel and you will see your presentation in the Files list.
  2. Open the File Options menu and choose Share with groups.
  3. From the options choose which groups will see the file and click Share now. Click Share now.

If you would like some help using Collaborate, contact the TEL Team

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