Note that while this example uses PowerPoint, you can share any currently running application on your machine for example MatLab or Excel.
Prepare your PowerPoint presentation in advance
- Open your presentation in PowerPoint, go to the Slide Show tab and open the Set up Slide Show menu.
- In the Show Type menu tick Browse by an Individual (Window) and click Ok.
When you are ready to start sharing your PowerPoint
- In your Collaborate session, open the Collaborate Panel.
- Go to the Share Content panel and select Share Application/Screen.
- Change your Sharing option to Application window.
- Select your PowerPoint thumbnail and click Share. The attendees are now able to see your presentation.
Note: If the application is minimised it won’t appear in this list.
- Now go to your presentation and set it to Presentation mode.
- Your presentation will open in presentation view but a separate window that you are be able to manoeuver around your screen. Your Collaborate session is still accessible to you even though you are in presentation mode.
- You are now ready to start presenting.
- During your presentation you can switch between the presentation and the Collaborate meeting as required. As you change your view, the participants will only see the presentation.
- To end the slide show click the Stop sharing icon.
If you would like some help with using Collaborate, contact the TEL Team.